Thursday Links: ‘Who was the real St. Patrick?’ (Justin Taylor)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Ever wondered why we celebrate this day? Well, Justin Taylor posted a great 2 minute video explaining the truth about this shamrock loving Saint (who actually wasn’t a Saint and may not have loved shamrocks). Check out the video here:

The real St. Patrick


(HT: Barry Wallace, among others)

Thursday Links: ‘Why this election makes me hate the word evangelical’ (Russ Moore) and ‘5 Distinguishing Marks of a fruitful Church’ (Jared Wilson)


I have a couple of links for your reading pleasure today:

First, who doesn’t want to hear some of Russ Moore’s thoughts on the election this year? He is not super excited about the way in which the word ‘evangelical’ is being used by anybody and everybody. Give his article a read here: Russ Moore on this election year.

Second (for those tired of thinking/reading/hearing about the election), one of my pastor friends (HT: Josh Boley) just posted a link to this article on measuring church fruitfulness, which I think is excellent. Give it a read here: 5 Distinguishing Marks of a fruitful Church.



Thursday Links: “The Task Unfinished”

I considered saving today’s post and using it on Monday since it involves music, but it is more than just music so I thought I would include it today!

Keith and Kristyn Getty (whose music you can and should listen to here) have partnered with OMF, a missionary agency that focuses on the peoples of East Asia, to promote a global event which will take place on February 21st. The idea is simple: get as many churches as possible to sing “The Task Unfinished” (an old song with a new arrangement written by the Getty’s) to promote and encourage a passion for world missions. Here are the words to the first verse:

Facing a task unfinished

That drives us to our knees

A need that, undiminished

Rebukes our slothful ease

We, who rejoice to know Thee

Renew before Thy throne

The solemn pledge we owe Thee

To go and make Thee known

You can see a map of those participating here and register your church to participate here.  The Getty’s tell the story behind the song and why they are using it for this event at the OMF website, which you can see here: OMF website. It is a great song with a great story being used to promote the greatest mission, namely the spread of the gospel to every tongue, tribe, and nation. Seems like a good idea to me!


Thursday Links: Good Blogs for Sanctity of Human Life

The blogosphere is full of people writing about sanctity of human life issues. Truth is, I don’t follow too many blogs these days, but I know that many good ones exist. I would like to point you to three that have helped me in knowing the truth about abortion and the value of life.

  1. Moore to the Point (Russell Moore): As with his books, Moore has become a great proponent for pro-life issues through his blog. He is currently the head of the ERLC (The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission) for the Southern Baptist Convention and I am thankful to have him as a voice for life in that capacity. I searched his blog for articles on abortion and you can find the results here: Moore on Abortion. He is a faithful supporter of adoption and you see that coming through the articles on his blog as well.
  2. Cultural Commentary from a Biblical perspective (Albert Mohler): Mohler is a great spokesman for life for the evangelical community at large. He appears on talk-shows, he writes books, he leads a seminary, and he has a good blog. He normally publishes an article each year about Roe v. Wade and the importance of Christians responding faithfully and biblically to our current culture of death. You can read the article that he posted in July 2015 concerning the Planned Parenthood videos: Response to PP videos. He is a great writer and thinker and I am thankful for his voice in our culture.
  3. Confessions of a former Planned Parenthood director (Abby Johnson): Many have heard Abby Johnson’s story of leaving Planned Parenthood to become an avid pro-life supporter. If you have not, then I encourage you to go her website and check it out. She has a ministry to help people who work for Planned Parenthood to get out of the industry, which you can check out here: And Then There Were None. She blogs occassionally at LifeSiteNews here: Abby’s blog. She has an insider’s perspective that helps people see clearly what is happening behind the closed doors of abortion clinics. And she has a great heart for those who have worked in the industry as well.

I hope you will take some time to check out these blogs and what they have to say about the fight for life!


Thursday Links: ‘C. S. Lewis was a secret government agent’ (Hal Poe)

History can be fascinating. And it is always interesting when something new is learned about a hero of the faith. Union professor Hal Poe made an amazing discovery about C. S. Lewis by purchasing something on eBay. Crazy! You can read about it here:

C. S. Lewis was a secret government agent

Great work Dr. Poe! (HT: Ray Van Neste)


Thursday Links: ‘Following Rob Bell’ (Kuyperian Commentary)

One of my fellow pastors (HT Jeff Polk) pointed this article out to me which is a reflection on Rob Bell’s successor at Mars Hill, who just announced that he was stepping down as the pastor. Interesting thoughts on pastoral ministry and the longing to ‘charter new ground.’ You can read it here:

Following Rob Bell


Thursday Links: ‘Immigration policy must be based on more than an appeal to compassion’ (Kevin DeYoung)

I have read several (well a few at least) Christian articles concerning the current immigration crisis this week and I found DeYoung’s very interesting. He does not really offer a solution as much as highlight the various factors for Christians to consider (some of which he feels are being ignored or at least downplayed). I agree that it is a complex issue and that we should try to avoid oversimplifying it. Give the article a read here:

Immigration policy must be based on more than an appeal to compassion


Thursday Links: ‘An Open Letter to Southern Baptists and Our IMB Missionaries’ (Chuck Lawless)

I am burdened and encouraged be the recent decision of the Intrenational Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Due to a lack of funding for several years, the leadership decided to ask many of our missionaries to consider early retirement. Although I appreciate and support David Platt’s (IMB president) willingness to take this hard step for the future health of the IMB, I cannot help but be burdened for the missionaries who will be impacted. Yet, I am encouraged for the possibility of what this could mean for churches in North America, as Chuck Lawless points out in his letter. You can read it here:

An Open Letter

I pray the Lord will use these men and women to increase our passion to take the gospel to all who are desperate to hear, across the oceans and across the street.


Thursday Links:  ‘Saving Faith, part 1’ (BJ Maxwell)

Brother BJ has started a new series on saving faith and our need to understand and recognize it in the church. His first article points out our tendency to debate over issues that are not nearly as significant as simply defining what true, saving faith really is. Give it a read here:

Saving Faith, part 1

Looking forward to the rest of the series!
